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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘Which way do you choose to see life? As an optimist, seeing the glass as half full? Or,

Samoan Language Week
Manuia Le Vaiaso O Le Gagana Samoa! Happy Samoan Language Week! Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, we were not able to physically come together

Carmel Praise Party and Meditation
“I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (Psalm 104:33). While Mass is

Faith Cafe Service
On Thursday afternoons, Allyza Nerida, and Kiara Tablizo along with other enthusiastic bakers (Year 11-13) make brownies for the weekly Friday Faith Cafe. A lot

Carmel College – Year 11-13 Study Skills for Success
During this week all senior students have a day to focus on their wellbeing, study skills and future pathways. As part of the day, Karen

Year 7-10 Parents: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Success
Year 7-10 Parents: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Success Thursday 18th June, 7.35 to 8.35 pm In this fun, fast-paced webinar, you will hear strategies

Careers Information
Victoria University of Wellington Digital Information Sessions Wednesday 10 June, 6–7 pm Thursday 11 June, 6–7 pm Tuesday 23 June, 6–7 pm These digital information

Introducing Scholarship in Religious Studies
This year Carmel College is embarking on an exciting journey of launching the Scholarship programme in Religious Studies. A group of around 20 students will

New Season Dates for the 2020 Winter Sports Season
Netball Senior 1 and 2 Season – Start date is Saturday 20th June through to 19th September Y10 – 13 Season – Start date is

Free Beach Volleyball Sessions For Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11s
Harbour Volleyball are offering Free Beach Volleyball Sessions for any keen Intermediate and Secondary School Athletes. An introduction to the game for the younger age

Noel Leeming Friends and Family Offer
The Noel Leeming Friends and Family offer from 8-14 June 2020 is available to staff, students, families and friends associated with Catholic Schools. Cost plus

Traffic and Pedestrian Access Through North Shore Hospital
Over the coming weeks, as essential underground works are carried out, there will be changes to how traffic and pedestrians can move through the North

Police 105 and Non-Emergency Contact
In a recent visit from our local community constable, Mr. Murray Fenton, he discussed ways we can make sure we make police aware of issues