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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. The Alert levels are changing next Monday. It’s been 13 days of online learning so far, this term.

Reminder – Course Selection For 2021
All information regarding course choices for 2021 is now available here on the Carmel College Course Selection Website This website can also be found at

Online Course Information Evening Follow Up
Due to the current Level 3 Lockdown this year we could not hold our traditional Options Evening in the Hall where parents and students can

Music News
Congratulations to Madeleine Xiao who has got through to the semi-finals of the New Zealand Junior Piano Competition. The 16 pianists will each perform a 20-minute recital programme

Service Experiences
As a part of the Dunns Bush Trapping Group, Year 11 student, Annise Boothroyd, visited her line every 2 weeks (for 2.5-3 hours) to clear

Service Hours Reduction For 2020
Considering the year that is 2020 we have decided to reduce the hours required for getting a Service award and badge this year – a

Attention All Year 10 Students
We will shortly be calling for applications for Student Librarians for 2021. Student lLbrarians are selected and trained from Year 10. They then take over

Students To Study the Ethics of Mask Wearing
Year 13 Biology students spent the previous lockdown working on an internal assessment called ” Integrate biological knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue.

New Dates For Music Concerts
Both Music Department concerts have been postponed until early in Term 4. If you have already purchased tickets these will be valid for the concerts

Summer Sports Starting Soon
We are looking forward to our Summer sports starting up! Don’t miss out on the signups for: Touch Volleyball Tennis All of these are available

Massey and AUT Virtual Open Days
AUT LIVE has been postponed. It will now be a series of online events (between 29 September and 1 October) as well as an on-campus

2020 Carmel College Yearbook Payment Due
Optional payment of $30 is due for the 2020 Carmel Yearbook by 25 September. This can be paid to your daughter’s student account. If you