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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. Lockdown has given many people time to slow down and think. Colleagues have told me of people who

Cans 4 Christmas
This will be our first food collection for 2020 and we know that due to COVID19 even more people are struggling so please be very

Amazing Debating Success
If you had told me one year ago that our Debating team would be the Grand Champions of the Advanced Open grade in Auckland, I

Painting Success
Congratulations to Dina Aziz who is currently in Year 12 Painting and is one of the five winners of the Nuclear Free art (Tumanako) Competition

Year 7’s Healthy Lunch
During Social Studies we have been learning about our Food Footprint. We have been discussing how healthy our diets are and the origin of our

Maori Language Week In The Library
Students are invited to go to the Library on Friday 18th @ 1pm to celebrate Maori Language Week. We have fun games and craft to

Teen Raring To Tackle Treacherous Foveaux Strait
Caitlin O’Reilly (Y12) was targeting the Oceans Seven – a marathon swimming challenge of seven-channel swims around the globe. But due to COVID-19, like a

ecostore ‘Good Soap’ sale! – PTFA Fundraiser
As part of our plan to raise funds for the PTFA this year, we’re trying something a little different – a healthy, eco-friendly alternative to

Carmel College PTFA Fundraiser
Carmel PTFA have teamed up with Local Milford Specialty Butcher Well Hung Butchery to offer some amazing butchery packs. For each pack sold Carmel College

Sports News
Lockdown Prize Winners A huge congratulations to all our Lockdown challenge prize winners. Thank you to all of you girls who participated in these challenges

Summer Sports Starting Soon
We are looking forward to our Summer sports starting up! Don’t miss out on the signups for: Touch Volleyball Tennis All of these are available

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in

Music Department Concerts
Tickets can be purchased on the College website online shop HERE