
From the Principal

Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. Do we, as parents, know what our young people are experiencing online?  Do we know how they interact

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Caritas Challenge

Last Friday, over 50 girls took part in the 2021 Caritas Challenge! This year, our focus was on Caritas’ works in Cambodia.  We started off

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Learning About Fractions

In 7JG, we learnt about fractions in Maths.  We used  Kerikeri mandarins, dividing them up into halves, quarters, thirds and sixths.  Not only did we

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Career Events

University of Victoria Information Evening Thursday 10 June; 6.00-8.30pm Aotea Centre, 50 Mayoral Drive, Auckland Law at Otago Presentation Thursday 10 June; 6.30-8.30pm University of

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Sports News

Year 7/8 Football Zone Day  3rd place for our Year 7/8 Football team (pictured above) this week at the Year 8 Football North Harbour Zone

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Second Hand Uniform

There is a Facebook forum for anyone wanting to buy and sell good used Carmel College uniform (sports and everyday). The school is not responsible

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