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From the Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. ‘I’m ready for this!’ That’s how you signal to the world that you are ready for the next

Term 2 Reports – Years 11 to 13
Term 2 reports for Years 11 to 13 will be available via the Carmel Portal from 3.00pm Monday, 21 June. If you have misplaced/lost your

Travelling Pots Project
The Young Vinnies groups from Carmel and Rosmini recently got together for the start of the Travelling Pots project. The afternoon involved the preparing of

The Great Debate
This year we had the opportunity to debate in Rotary North Shore’s first annual ‘great debate’ where we got to debate with and against current

Building Design Workshop
On Thursday, 11 June a group of nine students from Years 7 to 13 attended a Design Workshop at The Ministry of Architecture. This is

Careers Day for Year 12
Last week our Year 12 students participated in a two day Leadership, Wellbeing and Career programme before their two day Work Experience placements. As part

Year 12 Work Experience
I spent my work experience at the Auckland office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During this time, I was lucky enough to

Year 8 Participate in the Junior School Sustainability Challenge
Last Friday, eight groups of Year 8 students participated in a two hour event called the Junior School Sustainability Challenge around Long Bay Regional Park.

How Will You Be Celebrating Matariki This Year?
19 June to 11 July Happy Matariki everyone ! Click HERE for more information.

Sports News
Captain’s Profile – Basketball This year for our Premier Basketball team we are have a leadership group lead by Katie Lindstrom along with Isabel McGregor

Starlight Talent Showcase
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” Back again for another year after

Love Your Neighbour as Yourself – Get Vaccinated
Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the free Pfizer vaccine is now being offered to members of the public, starting with those most at

Pavement Renewal Works – Shakespeare Road
21 June to 30 June 2021 – 7am to 7pm (traffic setup between 7am to 8am and restoring traffic lanes between 6pm to 7pm) As part

Catholic Caring Foundation Job Vacancy
The Catholic Caring Foundation is looking for a community-focused database/grants and administrator coordinator to join their busy team on a fixed term 11 month (August

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in