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From The Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. A big thank you to all the staff and students who have responded so calmly to the new

Service Programme
Cadet Service in Devonport This year Jade and I have completed service with our navy cadet unit TS Leander (Devonport). We cleaned the plaques along

Pink Day 2021
Our annual Pink Day, in solidarity with those who experience breast cancer, was held on Friday, 6 August. It was an absolutely incredible day with

Reminder: Course Choice Selection for Years 9-13 in 2022 closes midday Friday, 20 August
All information regarding course choices for 2022 is now available on the Carmel College Course Selection Website . This website can also be found at under the Academic

Calculator for Years 9&10 in 2022
Parents are reminded that Year 9 students will need to bring a calculator to their Maths classes next year. This will be listed on the

Year 13 Student Attends The Royal Astronomical Society of NZ Astronomy Conference
During the July holidays, I was given the incredible opportunity to attend the 2021 RASNZ (Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand) Astronomy Conference as a

Year 10 Chinese Students Attend Speech Competition
Our Year 10 Chinese class attended the Chinese Bridge Speech Competition 2021. Eva Kim won the First prize and the Best Singing Performance in the

Music News
KBB Music Festival The Carmel College Orchestra recently performed at the KBB Music Festival. Last year this festival didn’t take place due to Covid, so

Healthy Eating for Students – Recipe #1
In doing my Health Assessment I am aiming at improving students’ mental and emotional wellbeing, focusing on nutrition and healthy eating among teenagers and how

Sports News
Mercy Cup The Mercy Cup is back with Carmel College for the first time since 2010. A big well done to our Football, Netball and Basketball

UNICEF Charity Ball
Annual UNICEF Charity Ball for Years 11-13 students and university students Sunday 3 October – 7.00-11.30pm They are raising money for Yemen to help with

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in