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From The Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui atawhai. Finger puppets – that’s what I made this morning (Tuesday, 7 September). That was my online learning today.

Service Programme
Everybody Eats is a pay-as-you-feel restaurant in Onehunga. Its’ mission is to reduce food waste, food poverty and social isolation. They use donated meat, fruit

Thank You For Your Pink Shirt Day Support
A message from the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand: Kia ora kaiako/teachers and tauira/students from Carmel College, Thanks so much for your Pink Shirt

News From The Auckland Catholic Diocese
Catholic Diocese of Auckland Programme 6-12 September HERE

Year 13 Food Technology Showcase
Year 13 Food Technology students are currently working with NZ food companies and are in the process of finalising concepts, so they are ready to

Healthy Eating for Students – Recipe #4
Here is this weeks’ delicious recipes! Hopefully, we won’t have much longer in lockdown but in the meantime, here are some super quick and simple

It’s Conservation Week
Take a moment to celebrate and enjoy nature this Conservation Week 4–12 September 2021 See the website HERE

Sports News
Carmel College Social Summer Sports 2021 We are looking to hit the ground running with social sports (once everyone comes back to school) with Social

View The Recent Parent Webinars
For your reference, the Parent Webinars that took place on the 2nd and 6th of September have been recorded. They are now available for you

Parenting Online Summit – Register Now
The Parenting for Resilience, Confidence & Independence Summit is being held online on Friday 8-10 October 2021. Get your FREE ticket HERE.

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in