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From The Principal
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi atawhai nui. Engage. Enjoy. Excel. These are the words that underpin our Sports Department Strategic plan. And this department continues

Get Ya Dot Super Vaccination Event
Westlake Boys’ High School will be one of 5 sites for this weekend’s second super vaccination event. The purpose of this weekend’s event is to

Sports Awards 2021
Over the past week, the Carmel Sports Awards for Years 9 to 13 students ran across the Carmel Sport social media platforms. A huge congratulations

Success for Carmel’s Mooting Team
On Wednesday, 20 October the Carmel College mooting team took part in the Auckland Schools Legal Mooting finals against Diocesan School for Girls. We won

PTFA Fundraiser – Bento Ninja
Eco-friendly Christmas gifts, available to order on the school shop HERE. Bento Ninja offers environmentally friendly stainless steel clothes pegs, sock hangers, lunchboxes, and cutlery

De Paul House Supports Homeless and Vulnerable Families
A heartfelt plea from the management of De Paul House: Dear Staff and Pupils COVID 19 Level 3 lockdown extended Further to the announcement on

Cans for Christmas Online Collection
St Vincent de Paul are collecting online this year. Thank you for your support. Click HERE to donate.

UN Youth and Auckland Transport Collaborate on Speed Limit Changes
As UN Youth Ambassadors, we’ve collaborated with Auckland Transport to help promote their ‘Have your say’ surveys, specifically regarding the proposed speed limit changes of

Community Assistance Donation
Currently, there are families in our community that are experiencing considerable stress and financial pressure from Covid-19. We know that there will be families in