Our Service Garden

The service garden is located behind the food tech classrooms and includes a variety of fresh herbs and veggies that, when harvested, go straight to the local food bank. There is a roster system where students volunteer time and log hours or hours during the holidays.

So far Term 3 has started with a lot of success.  We have had 15 new students join the service garden, providing their time to service and tend to the garden.  This was due to the support of a Year 12 Health group who are looking at supporting this initiative, sharing the programme in House assemblies.  The garden has received two new planter boxes for additional veggies this Term, as well as a new pathed area with upcycled seating from Localised, Zero Waste Hub in Wairau.

The service garden is a great way to get service hours in.  This would involve garden maintenance, growing produce, planting seedling trays, looking after the worm bin, watering and pruning.

The service garden is important because it tackles food insecurity within our community.  Food insecurity is the lack of access to enough nutritious food for healthy growth and development. Tackling this issue can help contribute to better health for those in the community.  15-20% of the population is estimated to suffer from food insecurity.

Any donations are welcome, particularly seeds or produce.  If you can help please contact gpeek@carmel.school.nz.

Year 12 Health students