Passing Exams Online Learning Programme

Over the last 15 years, Patrick Sherratt, from Innervate Education, has been facilitating a study skills seminar in secondary schools across the country called Passing Exams.

Recently, Patrick condensed all his knowledge and experience into an on-line video course: ten units each with a PDF document download.

The Passing Exams Online Learning Programme enables you and your teen to get access to the latest research-based strategies, tips, and tricks to help them prepare for their upcoming exams.

The programme presents a 5-step “how to study” approach and within these steps, Patrick presents solutions to common challenges students may experience in the lead-up to their end-of-year external exams. Included in the programme are suggestions for:

  • how to improve concentration,
  • reduce distractions,
  • improve memory retention
  • boost motivation
  • and lessen exam nerves.

To get a quick overview of the programme, simply visit: