Process for Applying for Self Interest Leave (Holiday Leave, Sports or Representative Leave)

If you require special leave please complete the student leave request via the Carmel College Schoolbridge.

This allows you to inform the school if you are taking a family holiday during school time or if your daughter has been selected to represent a sport that is not a school-based team.  You will be asked to provide relevant documentation from the sporting organisation to support your request for representative leave.  These are to be uploaded to the form in the appropriate box.

If your daughter is a senior student (Year 11-13) there is a link to a document that needs to be completed for all subjects.  This ensures confirmation of assessment arrangements during the leave period.

Please see below for the relevant icons to complete the application.

On the SchoolBridge website, this icon takes you straight to the form to fill in for self-interest leave/representative leave.




On the App, this link takes you to the list of permission slips.  At the top right, you can click on the blue button to start a new form for self-interest leave/representative leave.