Learning Highlights – Visual Arts Department

Year 11 Art class of 2020 have a Digital Art Gallery

Each Year 11 Art student has a gallery slide of their main works from Terms One and Two. Please click HERE to open the slide show.

Year 11 and 12 Senior Art Folio Exhibition 

School Hall 3.30 – 5 pm on 2 November

We encourage parents and students to actively celebrate the Visual Arts at Carmel College by attending the Level One and Two senior folio Art Exhibition later in the year.



Year 11

Students are working with the theme of consumerism and transformation. These lovely works incorporate collage and printing techniques.  Artistic conventions incorporated include stitching cotton sewn lines onto paper, printing silhouettes, transparent layers, and including ripped edges of fabric. Students also use perspective lines to create dramatic street views.

These works are by Isabel McGregor, Maya Paiva Toledo and Jennifer Hydayat.

Year 10 Painting

Girls completed some amazing self portrait paintings this term on the front covers of old books. Students worked in the manner of ex Carmel student and working artist Sam Mitchell who has visited Carmel College to discuss her work in 2019. Students in Year 10 are developing the focus, the confidence and work ethic that is required to be really successful in this subject. 

These works are by Janine Orjala, Lia Cho and Ginger Vargas.

Year 10 Design

Students followed the self portrait painting project with a design brief where requiring them to design a CD cover for their photos. The brief requires them to show their understanding of Russian Constructivist artists, this work is by Sophie Farrell and incorporates a simple colour arrangement with diagonals, and geometric shapes.




Year 12 Art History

Students have been busy bringing the subject to life in practical projects. In Term One we studied Neoclassical paintings and to help us understand the work in more depth, we reenacted ‘The Coronation of Napoleon’, 1804, by Jacques Louis David (below) where Charlotte Bosley is Josephine, Charlotte Pritchard is Napoleon and Caitlyn Cooper is the Pope. 

Phoebe Rodriguez – “In Term 3 students had 45 minutes to recreate Monet’s Impression Sunrise using oils on canvas, this was exactly how long it took Monet to paint the original!”

Year 12 Painting

Year 12 students are able to work with their choice of subject matter and artistic style. 

Grace Li – “I am exploring techniques and media which involve collage and layered expressive media in order to show environmental pollution specifically in the sea environment. I have been combining for example found objects, tape and sandpaper with paint. The artists I’ve been looking at are Eve Armstrong and Bryce Marden.”





Year 12 Photography 

Photography students select their own area of investigation and select from given artist model photographers.

Christiana Marsh – “The focus of my board was on how much we used technology in lockdown and how it became a big part of our lives in order to communicate with each other. I took photos of my laptop in the photography studio and cut the keys out in photoshop and overlaid them over the landscape images taken during isolation.The artists I’ve been looking at are Rene Magritte, the Surrealist painter.”



Year 12 Design

Year 12 students work with a given topic in advertising and use specific artistic models.

Lanna Lagasca  – “Taking the prompt from our concept of ‘fish’, I took several reference photos of fish and edited them to make them Black silhouettes on Photoshop. Then I developed the typography style with the idea to make them ‘wavy’ and in tune with the movement of the fish silhouette.”