Everybody Eats is a pay-as-you-feel restaurant in Onehunga. Its’ mission is to reduce food waste, food poverty and social isolation. They use donated meat, fruit and veggies to make up a beautiful meal that anyone can afford – food that otherwise would have been wasted. The menu has no prices, everyone pays how much they can afford or how much they feel the meal is worth. Nobody is turned away and if they can’t pay anything, then that’s okay.
Everybody Eats encourages people who don’t know each other to sit together and socialise. When you volunteer you can choose which job you want to be assigned to. You can be a waitress, help in the kitchen, or take people’s orders. They do have a Chef to make sure everything is amazing.
Personally, I loved volunteering at Everybody Eats and I think it is a great programme that deserves to be supported. You meet so many kind people and learn a little bit about how to plate food or serve food. It’s a 3-course set menu every night but they also have vegetarian and vegan options as much as possible for those 3 courses. I highly recommend volunteering there or even going there as a customer to try their delicious food.
Brooke Woollams, Year 9