Shadow a Leader Programme

At the end of Term 2, I had the opportunity to be a part of the ‘AUT Shadow a Leader Programme.’  The ‘Shadow a Leader’ programme allows AUT and secondary school students to see a glimpse of the New Zealand workplace by allowing them to ‘shadow’ an employee in their respective placements.  My placement was at the Auckland Policy Office.  I learned about the public service sector of New Zealand and meet people who were able to provide me with beneficial advice which I will be able to take forward in my future career.  I was able to meet and interact with many different people, who all specialise in different aspects of the policy sector such as immigration, transport and budgeting.  They work in drafting policies that could be later passed as legislation, provide advice to members of Parliament, and budget for events New Zealand holds.  All in all, this experience was incredibly rewarding and has positively impacted my ideas regarding my future endeavours. 

Francesca Quintos, Year 13


I took part in the AUT ‘Shadow A Leader’ Programme at the end of last term and found it to be a very enlightening experience.  After sending in my CV and highlighting my interests in business and accounting, AUT placed me with ‘EY’ which is a Global Financial Consulting Firm.  I ‘shadowed’ a EY partner for the day which meant sitting in on their confidential meetings with clients and getting insider information about the finance consulting world.  I am so glad that I jumped at this opportunity as it has pushed me towards a finance/business degree at uni next year.  It was also interesting to see what corporate life was like, which I experienced when attending the business meetings.  I also really enjoyed the smart working environment, being in the heart of the city, the corporate clothes and office vibe! 

Olivia Martin, Year 13 (pictured above)