Sports News

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday 27 June – Year 7/8 Practice Cross Country Event
  • Thursday 29 June – Year 7/8 Official Carmel College Cross Country
  • Wednesday 19 July – Netball North Harbour Tournament for teams 7/2, 7/3, 8/2 and 8/3
Year 7/8 Rugby Sevens Festival 
Last week was for Carmel Sport and Girls Rugby.  A big congratulations to our team of 10 girls who played in the Year 7/8 Tackle Rugby Sevens Festival.
Thank you to Matua and all the parent support behind them.  Carmel College was awarded the Team Spirit Award for the tournament.
National Volunteer Week 2023 
Carmel Sport is backed by an extraordinary community of volunteers.  To the coaches, managers, van drivers, first aiders, sideline scorers, fundraisers, uniform washers, lolly providers, umbrella holders and supporters – we thank you for the time and energy you give to keeping our sporting environment thriving; not only for this National Volunteer Week, but for every single day you help our students and Carmel teams.
Volleyball Holiday Session for Year 7-9

School holiday volleyball programme for beginners Year 7-9 – 12 July – 10.00am-12.30pm

Register HERE or through Google classroom.
Sports Council will be running a BBQ
Lunchtime by the gym on Thursday and Friday next week as the Tuckshop is closed.  We will be selling sausages, slices and drinks .