Sports News

Upcoming events 

  • Friday 28 July – Year 7/8 North Harbour Netball Zone Day for Y7/1 and Y8/1
  • Wednesday 2 August – Tournament Week and AIMS Coaches/Managers Meeting
  • Thursday 3 August – Year 8 Netball North Harbour Duty Night
  • Friday 4 August-Sunday 6 August – Year 7/8 Waterpolo Tim Sonderer Tournament
  • Wednesday 9 August – Auckland Netball Tournament for Y9/1, Y10/1 and Senior 1; Year 7/8 Cross Country North Harbour Zone Day
  • Friday 11 August – Year 9/10 Mercy Cup Tournament
  • Sunday 13 August – Equestrian Show Jumping Interschools
Netball Umpiring Success 

Carmel has an increasing group of passionate Netball umpires in Years 8-12 who are out there officiating our 30+ games a week for Carmel this Netball season.

Congratulations to these students who have been watched by Netball North Harbour Umpiring coaches over the season and recently gained a practical badge level:

  • Zone Badge – Clara Bae, Year 12
  • Centre Badge – Chelsea Brown and Nikayla Smith, Year 11
  • Junior Badge – Lauren Sargent, Year 10



New Zealand Waterpolo Youth Squad

Best of luck to Year 12 Students Kate Bell-Booth and Anouk O’Malley-Cain, who are currently in Australia with the New Zealand Waterpolo Youth Squad playing and training against Australian Club teams.  From this, a team will be named to compete in the Australian U17 Nationals Tournament later in the year.







Year 9-13 Sports Achievement Form

Please share with us your sporting achievements for 2023 through this form – 2023 Sports Achievement Form
To be considered for any sports awards in 2023 you will need to complete this.

Important Notes: to be considered as a representative, students must:

  1. Be selected as an active competitor.
  2. They must take the field of play.

Please note: a squad member, training partner, development player, trialist, non-travelling reserve etc. will not be considered.