Sports News

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday 9 June – Equestrian Show Hunter Championship
  • Wednesday 12 June – Year 7/8 North Harbour Rugby Sevens Tournament
  • Thursday 13 June – Year 7/8 North Harbour Waterpolo Zone Day
  • Wednesday 19 June – Year 7/8 North Harbour Hockey Zone Day & Year 7/8 AIMS Games Deposits Due
  • Thursday 20 June – Year 9-13 Auckland Skiing Championships
  • Friday 21 June-Sunday 23 June – Year 7/8 Waterpolo Winter Fest Tournament

World Taekwondo NZ Open Competition 

Congratulations to Erin Cahill, Year 7 who participated in this competition over the weekend.  Erin is a Black Belt 2nd Dan at Taekwondo; she commenced Taekwondo at the age of 6 and trains 5 to 6 hours a week.

At the competition this week she won Silver and a Bronze in the age group 12 to 14 years for Poomsae (Pattern).

Year 7 Football Auckland Championships – 3rd Place 

Congratulations to the team who competed at the Auckland Championships interzone this week, a first time attending in recent history (or the first time ever).  A great day out for the team playing 11-aside full field.  Thanks to Nina and Nicola O’Leary for coaching this team over the past 6 weeks.

Netball North Harbour College Tournament

Busy day at the Netball North Harbour courts last Thursday.  Well done to our four teams who were competing in the windy conditions!

  • Senior 1 – 3rd in Senior Premier
  • Senior 2 – 4th in Senior A
  • Senior 3 – 3rd in Senior B
  • Year 9/1 – 3rd in Year 9