Sports News

Congratulations to Lani Rawle for her outstanding achievement as a bronze medallist, representing the New Zealand Junior Women’s Volleyball Development Team in the U23 division at the Australian Championships.

Silver for the Carmel Football team in Canberra 

Well done to the girls for a strong performance across their 7 games during the week in the U18 female Cup at the 2024 Kanga Cup.  Playing in some frosty conditions and against strong oppositions, they did the college proud.

With over 360 teams entered, the Kanga cup is the largest International Youth Football Tournament in the Southern Hemisphere.

A big thank you must go to coach, Anna Perkins, and manager, Jo Redfern-Hardisty, for travelling with the girls to Australia and to all family, friends and supporters who got the team there with their fundraising help.

At the opening ceremony they performed the Carmel Haka, the first time this has been performed outside of the school grounds.  Thank you to Matua for giving the girls the support and guidance behind this in the buildup.

Term 3 sports signups – LINKS HERE

  • Year 7/8 Volleyball Zone Day
  • Year 7/8 Snow Sports
  • Year 7/8 Gymnastics Zone Day
  • Year 9/10 Social Volleyball
  • Year 7-10 Touch (Term 4 season)

Upcoming events 

  • Wednesday 31 July – Year 7/8 North Harbour Netball Zone Day for Year 7/1 and Year 8/1
  • Friday 2 August to Sunday 4 August – Year 7/8 Waterpolo Tim Sonderer Tournament (AIMS team)
  • Monday 5 August – Year 7/8 Basketball season starts
  • Wednesday 7 August – Auckland Netball Tournament for Senior 1, 10/1 and 9/1
  • Sunday 11 August – Equestrian Show Jump North Islands
  • Tuesday 13 August – Year 9-13 Road Race Auckland Championships
  • Wednesday 14 August – Year 7/8 North Habrour Cross Country Zone Day