Sports News

Upcoming Events 

  • Monday 16 September – Year 7/8 Touch Trials
  • Tuesday 17 September – Year 9/10 Touch Trials
  • Wednesday 18 September – Y7/8 Touch Trials
  • Friday 20 September – Year 9-13 2024 SPORTS AWARDS FORM Due at 10am
  • Ki O Rahi – Year 9/10 Auckland Touranament
  • Netball – Year 7-10 Carmel Social Leauge
  • Tag Football – Year 9/10 Auckland Tournament
  • Tennis – Year 7-10 North Harbour Season
  • Touch Rugby – Year 7-10 North Harbour Season
  • Waterpolo – Year 9-13 2025 Senior Season

Former Student Competes in the 2024 Youth World Sailing Championships

Former Carmel student, Tessa Clinton, recently competed in the 2024 Youth World Sailing Championships at Lake Garda in Italy.
Tessa Clinton and Jess Handley finished 14th in the girls’ 420.
Read more HERE