BYOD / E-learning
E-learning Co-ordinator –
Bring Your Own Device is a technological trend in education and in the corporate world
BYOD recognises that technology and choices about technology are very personal
BYOD acknowledges technology in education means more than meeting specific curriculum requirements
BYOD is designed to give you as students and families, freedom to make technology choices that suit you and all your circumstances
Why have BYOD?
To improve student learning outcomes and prepare students to be 21st century citizens we need them to have 1-to-1 accesses to technology and access to the Internet as and when needed.
“Schools should explore not only how ICT can supplement traditional ways of teaching but also how it can open up new and different ways of learning…..” —NZ Curriculum Document
The advantages of a student owned internet-capable-device include:
- Anytime, anywhere access to class resources and support through the Google Sites and Cloud based applications.
- The ability to create a personal digital portfolio of their own work using Cloud based applications.
- Anytime, anywhere access to information available through the Internet.
How does BYOD change education?
- Increased engagement in the learning process as students become more active participants in their learning.
- Greater ability to communicate with teachers and other students through access to student email.
- The ability to draft, redraft and publish work.
- Greater independence, collaboration with peers and personalised learning.
- Improved critical thinking and development of multi-literacies.
- Greater integration of technology and the use of digital learning tools that complement existing teaching programmes.
- Improved innovation as the use of devices in the classroom evolves.
At Carmel College we:
- Have access to ultra fast broadband, we have an unmetered 150 Mbit/s connection to internet which enables us to provide our students with unlimited access to all available online resources
- Have a robust, monitored and secure Wi-Fi network providing real time internet filtering and reporting
We use Google Apps For Education as they are:
- Free
- High quality
- Work with all platforms
- Intuitive
- Constantly evolving
Google Apps provides all students and staff with email accounts and the ability to work collaboratively on documents. This is free and works with all platforms.
We can provide some information on the device to bring or you may bring something of your own choosing that meets our device specifications.
You are required to sign a Responsible Use Agreement that sets out expectations on how the device is to be used at school.
Please click HERE for the Responsible Use Agreement
We recognise that, like uniforms, supplies and extracurricular activities, a device for student use represents a significant investment for families. However, we believe this investment is essential for your child to learn and work successfully in our technological world.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs Mackisack – E-learning Co-ordinator
The school does not manage, support, own or warranty the device – it is your device
What Device?
- A range of devices in a range of prices meet our specifications
- It could be a laptop or it could be a tablet with a keyboard
- Smaller tablet devices can be a lot cheaper than a larger full sized laptop although there are many small laptop options now available.
- The device could easily last 4 years or more if looked after
Click HERE for further information on device specifications
Click HERE for some suggestions from current students
I’m concerned about cost
- Buying a device for your daughter is a major decision and a significant outlay.
- A good quality device should last Years 7-10 at school and so this cost is spread over 4 years.
- All students need their own device rather than the use of a shared device.
- Carmel College is integrating the device use into many aspects of teaching and learning and your investment in a device for your daughter will enhance learning outcomes for her and all students.
- If you have concerns about managing the cost please email the school accounts officer
How safe will my daughters device be?
The device belongs to your family. The school does not own, warranty or support the device. Carmel College has enough lockers so each student may have one if they choose to lock their device away.
- PE teachers lock changing rooms during the lesson so they may be left secured.
- All Atawhai Group teachers lock their classrooms during Mass and assembly.
- Noel Leeming Insurance available to Carmel students on devices purchased in store
Carmel has had very few instances of theft since the BYOD programme has been running although some students have damaged devices by dropping them. If you are concerned the device is going to be lost, broken or stolen you may wish to consider specific additional insurance under your home contents policy. You may also use a device locator system such as “find my ipad” This needs to be switched on before the device is stolen/lost.
For further safety information please click HERE for Netsafe
Please click HERE for Technology Today a presentation by the Parenting Place