Common Questions
Want to know what is happening | Check your year level and individual subject Google classrooms regularly for important notices, read the newsletter and check the school website |
Student absences and late arrivals | If your daughter is sick and will be absent from school or arriving late due to an appointment, please log in and report this absence via Carmel College Schoolbridge with a detailed reason for the absence. Absences of up to 3 days can be recorded on Schoolbridge. Please be advised we no longer accept absences via the phone or email. More detailed information HERE |
Self interest or representative leave | Complete the relevant form via Carmel College Schoolbridge. Students in Years 11 to 13 need to also complete a Self Interest form or Representative Leave Form which confirms the arrangements for any assessments they may be missing in that time. More detailed information HERE |
Have an appointment during school time | Report this absence via Carmel College Schoolbridge in advance. Sign out when you leave and sign in again on your return. |
Have been absent | Bring a note from Parent/Caregiver to your Atawhai Group Teacher when you return. |
Change address or phone number | Inform the school office immediately or complete the online form on our website |
Become ill while at school | Get a sick bay slip from your teacher before reporting to the sick bay – the school will contact your parent/caregiver to collect you if needed. They should come to the front office to collect and sign you out. |
Are looking for lost property | Report to the School Office at interval or lunchtime. |
Mobile phone usage | Student's phones are to be in their bags, on silent and not used at school, until after 3.15pm. Students are not to use their phones during class time. This includes during Atawhai, morning tea and lunchtime. Phone are not to be seen until 3.15pm. If you need to contact your daughter during the school day, you can either email them using your daughter's school email address or leave a message at Reception to be delivered. |
Need to use a telephone in an emergency | Go to the School Office where you ask to use the phone. |
Want to see the Counsellors | Go to a Counsellor’s office where you will find a request for appointment slip, fill out and put under the office door. The Counsellor will contact you with an appointment time. You may also email the Counsellors for an appointment Bookings can be made by emailing Fleur Knowles, Jacqui Ivankovich or Carolyn Purdie |
Need support around friendship | Speak to your Dean |
Think you may be the victim of harrassment | See any teacher, Dean or the Counsellors |
Damage school property | Report to your teacher or the School Office |
Want Music tuition | See the Music Department or this website under Co-curricular |
Want to know what is happening | Read the daily notices on the Kamar portal, read the notice boards, read the newsletter or check the school website. |
Do not have the correct uniform | Report to your Dean or the School Office. The correct uniform will be provided if possible or alternatively a Carmel College uniform pass will be issued which the student must carry. |
Have an item go missing/stolen | Report to School Office at lunchtime or interval. You will be referred to a member of the Senior Leadership Team. |
Want Careers information | See Mrs Bruce in the Careers Office ( or consult your Dean. |
Want to discuss your subject options | See your Dean or subject teacher |
Find an abandoned/lost item | Take it to the School Office |
Are interested in playing a sport | See the Sports Director, Annie Sadlier / (09)486 1132 ext 745 |
You lose your ID card | Give your name at the School Office and a new card will be processed and given to your Atawhai Group Teacher – the cost will be charged to your student account |
Need to top up my printing account | Go to the School office at lunchtime only where you can add money to your printing account – there is a minimum $2 charge for this top up. |
Who can help you?
Alexander House | Elizabeth van Geffen |
Cecilia Maher House | Anna Perkins |
Justine House | Kelly-Marie Watts |
Kelly House | Liz Walker |
McAuley House | Fiona Blank-Sahinkaya |
Pompallier House | Rosie Banfield |
Learning Support
There is a Learning Support Department in the school for students with special learning needs. Head of the Department of Learning Support is Ms Shanks
Guidance Counsellor
A Guidance Counsellor is available to help students. All counselling aims at helping students resolve their own problems.
Key tasks include helping students:
- Where there are difficulties relating to other students
- With personal problems
Guidance Counsellors: Jacqui Ivankovich, Fleur Knowles and Carolyn Purdie.
Career Advisors
If you need help with:
- Career information
- Finding work experience opportunities
- Preparing for job interviews and CVs
- Linking into short polytech courses
Careers Advisor: Mrs Bruce
If you feel troubled or annoyed by someone harassing you, it is important to see someone about it. You could talk to:
- Your Teacher
- The School Counsellor
- Your Dean
- Staff in the School Office
- A Student Leader