Subject and Skills Workshops – Term 3

In Term 3, we will be continuing our Subject and Skills Workshops.  Each week on Thursday from 3.30-4.30pm in the library, we will be focusing on different subjects, with specialised student tutors assisting students with either their current in-class work, or providing extension activities.  Tutors are available to help with homework and will also have prepared resources if students have nothing that they need to finish.  There will also be a supervising teacher present.

To view the schedule, click HERE.  This is a live document, so it could be subject to change.

On Thursday 1 August the subject we will be focusing on will be Maths.  In the third week, 8 August we will be focusing on Sciences.

Our Heads of Academics, Maia O’Callaghan and Melinda Chen, are organising this initiative.  If you have questions, please email Ms Rosanna Fouhy, Deputy Principal