Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education A wide range of activities beyond the classroom is offered. All of these may be seen as extension opportunities. Some form part of the academic or social education…
Outdoor Education A wide range of activities beyond the classroom is offered. All of these may be seen as extension opportunities. Some form part of the academic or social education…
Governance Policies All Carmel College policies and procedures can be accessed through the School Docs site. To access these pages please go to https://carmel.schooldocs.co.nz and use the following login details:…
Music The Music Department encourages students to widen their horizons by learning a musical instrument or training their voice. The discipline, team spirit and pleasure both given and received are…
Carmel Prayer E te Atua Atawhai, We thank you for blessing Carmel College. We give thanks for our Mercy foundation and for all who have served our Carmel Community. May…
Finance Charges for 2024/2025 For the eldest in the family: For the youngest/younger member(s) of the family: Attendance Dues Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment approved by the Minister of…
Service Programme Mercy women see the need and respond with compassion How Carmel Students Complete Their Service Hours - watch the video HERE View Frequently Asked Questions related to the…
Our Kowhaiwhai Kowhaiwhai patterns, as well as being decorative, reveal many stories. As partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we name our pepehea and identify with the tradition of the…
International Student Contact Director of International Students Mrs Trudy Freeman Phone: (+64 9) 486 1132 ext 709 Mobile and after hours emergency contact only: 027 225 6651 Email: international@carmel.school.nz