Service actions over the holidays can be counted towards the 2025 assignment, so along with eating and relaxing, go ahead and do something for others; it will feel great! Best wishes to all for a blessed, happy (and helpful) Christmas and holidays.
The last word goes to Chloe in Year 9 :
Not only did my acts of service help others in the community this year, but it also had a positive impact on me. I received so many nice comments from the people that I helped, which made me feel great and strengthened my desire to help … I also made new friends with the new students at Carmel, which made my school experience this year even better. I have found that I am so glad that we must do this at Carmel because it has taught me important skills, and I now find myself helping out and doing acts of service without even realising. Overall it was really fun and I’m so glad I got to do it with my friends.