TikTok ‘Beat the Bullies’ Webinar for Parents

TikTok will share the tools that are available to put you in control in a special live webinar during Netsafety Week

12noon Wednesday 25 July

They will cover topics like:

  • Family Pairing,
  • Managing comments in a way that work for you,
  • How to report content,
  • The tools available to protect younger users.

You’ll also hear how TikTok moderates, what they do proactively and how we can work together to keep our community safe online.

The session will also feature a brief Q&A to ask anonymous questions.

A live NZSL Sign Language Interpreter will support us during this event for accessibility.

Spaces are limited, attendees can register for free on Zoom using this link: (https://netsafe-org-nz.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ld633JH6S9eBqdFcaPhfcQ)

Links to all the Netsafety Week events can be found on this webpage: https://netsafe.org.nz/netsafety-week-2023/