Travelling Pots by Young Vinnies

Last week, Rosmini and Carmel Young Vinnies club members came together for the termly Travelling Pots.  Travelling Pots was created in an effort to provide sustainable meals to those in our community who were going without.  The event entails making home cooked meals from scratch.  From preparing the food to finally packing it up, students are involved every step of the way.  We were grateful to have made 86 meals this term and are looking forward to making more in the following terms.

A huge thanks to Savi, our Youth Coordinator, for making the event possible and transporting the meals to the St Vincent De Paul foodbank.  For our teachers, Miss Murphy and Mrs Sahinkaya, for spending their afternoon supervising the event, thank you for your support.  And finally, this event wouldn’t have been possible without Rosmini’s students and their school’s food tech rooms.

Young Vinnies members