Waterwise in 2024

Some Year 7&8 classes have begun their Waterwise lessons and caregivers will be notified when their classes begin.

We would like to hear from anyone who would like to help the school as a parent or an instructor at any time as we always welcome your support with our students at Carmel. 

Also you can become an instructor as well which does involve a course so please let the school know of your interest in this area.  Instructors course set for 21 March to 8 April is now confirmed.

Water Safety and the skills related to this are paramount to our NZ students.  Our land is surrounded by water so the importance of learning the necessary skills to cope with all  situations whether on the sea or on a lake are important.  Learning to sail and kayak is also part of the programme.   

Please contact the school or Jenny Green [TIC]  jgreen@carmel.schoo.nz if you have any questions.