Year 12 Work Experience

On Thursday 6 June and Friday 7 June all of our Year 12 cohort participated in a 2 day work experience placement.  Thank you to our wider community for enabling our students to engage in a wide variety of businesses and gain such valuable learning experiences.
Millie Lloyd shares her experience:
For my work experience, Addison Slight, Georgia Hart and myself went to MediaWorks.  Over the two days we were there we gained an insight into all facets of this workplace.  On our first day, we went to The Edge, Mai FM and George FM radio stations and sat with the producers while they explained their jobs.  We watched the radio hosts work and also sat in brainstorms and meetings with different radio stations.  Then on the second day, we had one person from all the different departments spend time with us to explain their jobs and how they got into the industry.  We then went into a recording studio where we talked into the microphone in the recording booth and made our own ad.
Work experience for me was so beneficial as I gained a lot of insight into these pathways.  I’m happy that Carmel offers this opportunity.

Milly Preston spent her work experience with our Carmel School Nurse
Milly spent two days with me in the school sick bay.  She is a credit to our school.  I know Milly will do well in whatever career she chooses to do.  At present she plans to be a Midwife and deliver beautiful little ones and help make our world a better place.
Mary-Anne Benson-Cooper