Year 13 Drama Show – Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie

Come and watch this murder mystery.  Written in 1944 by Agatha Christie the story follows an assorted group of travellers on an expedition to the rose-red city of Petra. A stepmother and her children, doctors and politicians find themselves thrown together in a battle to free the children from their mother and sudden death occurring. Were they murdered? Or did they die from a natural cause?

We will be performing in the Carmel College Theatre at 4.00pm on 16 May and at 7.00pm on 17 and 18 May. Tickets are $5 and you can pay in advance by contacting We will be selling tickets in week 2 at lunchtimes from the drama classroom.  Or you can pay at the door.  Please email to reserve your seats. Faith Cafe will also be opened for the show.

We can’t wait to see you there!